The Adirondack Trail, 1758
4th April 2006, Comments Off
The French & Indian War, A Good Day to Die, 28mm
The next game was one laid on by some gaming chums at the club, involving what appeared to be a jungle dotted with aquarium rock outcrops. Dinosaurs roamed over the table, where they were hunted down by teams of 28mm figures who drove around in Cadillacs. Don’t ask me what the hell it was all about, and fortunately our usual cameraman wasn’t there. I don’t unusually go in for such abstract nonsense, which to me made about as much sense as modern art installations. However, I have to admit it was all quite fun, and therefore I shouldn’t be quite so grumpy about it!Then came something a little more sensible – but only a little. This was another French & Indian Wars skirmish, which involved a patrol of Rangers making its way back to the safety of “the fort”.
A party of American militia were sent forward to guide them in, which was just as well as the woods seemed to be filled with Abenaki war parties. We used Chris Peers’ War in the Forest supplement to his A Good Day to Die rules, and the game was reasonably fast-paced, enjoyable and just a little chaotic. the good thing about this is once you’ve covered the table with fir trees then you don’t need too many figures, as you’ll probably lose half of ’em in the greenery.