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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Rebels and Patriots

Rafting on the Hudson, 1757

The French & Indian War, Rebels  and Patriots, 28mm As games go, this was a very silly one. In Rebels and Patriots, the second of the book’s dozen scenarios is called “The Great River Chase”. In it, the defenders had three rafts laden with supplies, crewed by civilians. We gave the rafts to the British. They

The Raid on Onondago, 1756

The French & Indian War, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm We decided to launch another foray into the North American backwoods this week. This was a four player game, with Lindsay and I playing the British, and Gyles and Sean the French. Each of us had a 16 point force according to the Rebels and Patriots

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