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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Rebels and Patriots

The Abenaki Village 1759

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm This was going to be a three-cornered game, and turned into a four player one. Newcomer Tom appeared, and was duly made the chief of the Abenaki village of Muddisquoi. the idea was, the French and the British were gearing up for a new season of

The Clash at Bethel Church, 1861

The American Civil War – Rebels and Patriots – 28mm We decided to change the pace this week, and stage a large skirmish game using Osprey’s Rebels and Patriots rules. I mainly use these for French & Indian War games, but during lockdown Lindsay talked everyone into building up small  skirmish forces for the American

Bridging the Oswego, 1756

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm With Orkney under the fairly light Level 1 – Light of Covid restrictions, we were finally able to stage a game, albeit one played out according to the still fairly restrictive rules. So, we’re able to manage one game every two weeks now, which is a

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