Honours of War
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This week we did something a little different. As an Easter treat the wargame club hired the hall for all of Saturday. So, this gave us the chance to play a larger game than on a normal club night, where you only have about three hours of
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This was another week when due to work our usual foursome was reduced t just two. Again, as we both lived near each other, 15 miles from the town, we decided to game in my kitchen rather than go into the club. So, as Sean 2 is
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm We missed last week’s club game de to the weather – getting into town involves crossing storm-lashed causeways – The Churchill Barriers. So, Sean 2 and I made up for this by having a wee game at my place. We opted for a Seven Years War clash.
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This is going to be the last game played at my house for a while. The wargame club is re-opening next week, so weekly games are back on the agenda! Hurrah! By general consent, this week’s game was a Seven Years War one, a small clash set
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm The third game of my AMG 2017 weekend, played out on Sunday, was one of the great battles of the Seven Years War. Colin Ashton provided both the figures and the terrain, in a game which was a real pleasure to take part in. He’d thought this
The Jacobite Rebellion, Honours of War, 28mm This weekend I was down in a hotel near Warwick, taking part in AMG 2017. This was a wargaming weekend organised on John Ray’s forum A Military Gentleman, open to people who bought his book of the same name. Essentially it was a weekend of mainly 18th century
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This week we staged a Seven Years War game, using the new Honours of War rules. The gamers are divided over these rules – some like them, others don’t. the nay-sayers claim – with some justification – that artillery is far too effective, and they’re slower
Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm Our first game of the year was another of our test runs for Osprey’s Honours of War rules – – and our largest game yet. This was to be a largely Prussian – Austrian clash, but Dave Imrie developed “man flu”, and wimped out. So, my ineffective Reichsarmee
Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm Our second December clash using Honours of War was a more straightforward clash than our last game. It saw two reasonably balanced forces line up along opposite sides of an 8×6 foot table, and then get stuck in. In theory there was an objective. there were two villages
The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This week we decided to give the new Osprey Seven Years War rules a go using my French and Michael Schneider’s Hessians. The battle was lifted straight from one of the scenarios in the book – The Battle of Kutzdorf – and saw 2red” force holding two
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