Ambush at Alvensleben, 1813
19th May 2016, 0 Comments
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm I suppose this game could be described as a “bathtub Corunna”. It was based loosely on a scenario in Charles S. Grant’s Scenarios for Wargames, but we scaled it down a lot, as we wanted something we could finish in a couple of hours, played out on an
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm This was another Napoleonic game where we’d drawn on a Charles S. Grant scenario – this time a “Tabletop Teaser” published in Battlegames (now Miniature Wargames magazine). The idea was, two armies were approaching the same area, and needed to control an important road, running from north to
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm We had six players this week (a full house for the Orkney Wargames Club – and for my attic), so I wanted a game that could accommodate everybody. it also had to produce a result after four hours of gaming. After much thought I drew inspiration from a
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm This was another game based on a Charles S. Grant scenario, from the venerable Scenarios for Wargamers. Why someone doesn’t reprint this little gem is beyond me. Come on Baz Ryan – how about it? Anyway, this game was all about the bridge. A small force – a
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm Three Napoleonic games in three weeks. People will talk. Questions will be asked. What on earth? Well, its all down to democracy. While I try to vary periods a bit to make for a more interesting range of games, the guys up here in Orkney wanted to fight
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm The guys decided they wanted another Napoleonic game, so this week I staged another “tabletop teaser”, filched from Charles S. Grant’s Scenarios for Wargames (1982). This was another one that involved a river – in this case spanned by two bridges. In this game the defenders had a
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm This week the guys in Orkney faced a challenge, culled from the pages of Charles S. Grant’s Scenarios for Wargames (1982). The idea behind “The River Crossing” is simple – one force is trying to expand its bridgehead over a river using locally-sourced boats, while their opponents are
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm True to my promise to myself, the inaugural game was a big Napoleonic bash, loosely based on Borodino. All the Russians had to do was to hold the roads leading off the table edge until the end of the day. As we started at lunchtime and planned to
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm This little game was played up in Orkney using the little 7×5 foot table in my attic wargaming den. Three of us took part – Mark Colston commanding the French, while Alan Bruce and I took charge of the Prussians and Russians respectively. It was a little encounter