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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Die Kriegskunst

The Battle of Warsteiner, 1760

Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm This was another playtesting game, involving two borrowed armies. I commanded Dougie Trail’s Prussians (bolstered by one of my Hessian units and Russian cavalry posing as Prussians, while Dave Imrie took charge of the French – an army composed mainly of figures from Dale Smith of Kirriemuir’s collection, augmented

Bundlewitz, 1759

Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm This was more of a playtest than a game. We’re still tinkering with factors for Die Kriegskunst, the Seven Years War version of General de Brigade that we’re working on. I learned a few things – Commanders in Chief rated “Incompetent” have a hard time getting an army moving

Trail’s Farm, 1775

American War of Independence, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm Lately we’ve been tinkering with rules, trying to come up with a playable Seven Years War version of General de Brigade. We’ve called our version Die Kriegskunst (The Art of War), which has a suitably Prussian sound to it. It this game we decided to change theatres, but

Palowitz, 1758

Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm We actually haven’t played a Seven Years War game for more than a year, largely because we’ve been building up our armies. Dougie has the Prussians, and I have the Russians, and we were both waiting until we had a dozen infantry units a side before we took the

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