Chain of Command
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm With just Nick and I available this time, we decided to play a CoC game, set in 1940. that seemed the perfect excuse to stary a new ‘pint-sized campaign. I opted for Attack on Caesar’s Camp, which follows the fortunes of the 51st (Highland) Division of the
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm I asked Sean what he fancied playing this week, and he opted for a World War 2 game using Chain of Command. So, that’s what we did. He’d be running late, so we started without him, with Nick opting to be the Americans, in Sean’s stead. This
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm Over the past few months, while we’ve been playing games set in the Pacific we’ve tended to focus on the Buna campaign in New Guinea. So, this one is set on the track leading to Buna, where it skirts the Girua River. The Americans, played by Sean
The Spanish Civil War, Chain of Command, 28mm With none of us able to attend the wargame club this week, Sean 2 and I staged a small Spanish Civil War skirmish in my house over the weekend. This was a standard Chain of Command scenario, using the very straightforward amendments for this particular war. In
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This was another week where we didn’t make it to the club. As two of our regulars were either working or sick, Sean 2 and I changed our plans. Instead of the long trip into town, we played a small Chain of Command game at my place.
The Spanish Civil War, Chain of Command, 28mm First of all, my apologies for taking so long to post this. I’ve got writing deadlines, and finishing this bloody book is taking up most of my waking hours! Still, the other week we still had time for a game at home with a few of the
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This was the fourth scenario in our Chain of Command “pint-sized” campaign Operation Martlet. In the last three games the British 49th Infantry had driven the Germans out of the Normandy village of Fontenay-Le-Pesnel, and were now continuing their advance towards the south. This time they faced
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm For the second week in a row my car is in the garage, waiting for the mechanic to get cracking. So, as I couldn’t make it to the club, Sean 2 kindly offered to pop out for a Sunday evening game. He’d never played Chain of Command
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This was the third scenario of our Operation Martlet “pint-sized campaign”. The last two saw the British 49th Infantry Division push into the Normandy village of Fonyenay-le-Pesnel, driving back the forward outposts of the 12th SS Panzer Division. Now, the advance units of the Royal Scots Fusiliers
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm We returned to our Chain of Command pint-sized campaign this week – “Operation Martlet”. This was the second scenario, called “Pushing On”. Essentially it saw a platoon of the Royal Scots Fusiliers moving deeper into the Normandy village of Fontenay-le-Pesnel. We fought Scenario 1 “Probe into Fontenoy”
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