Sum Yung Buk, 1951
18th April 2006, Comments Off
Modern Wars (Indochina), Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier, 20mm
The following Thursday we played a 20mm game set in French Indochina. the idea was that a French parachute company had been dropped as a blocking force, and was now high-tailing it down the road to safety, pursued by hordes of Viet Minh regulars. The game presupposed that part of the VM force had managed to work their way ahead of the French, and a platoon blocked their path at a small village.Unfortunately for the home team the paratroopers made short work of the blocking force, and were therefore able to continue their retreat. The pursuing force was a little more fortunate than their comrades, and caused the French fairly serious casualties when they caught the French in the open paddies beside the village. The tables then turned. Just when the Viet Minh thought they had the enemy cornered a B-26 turned up and dropped its payload of napalm smack in the middle of the village – which by that time was crammed with Viet Minh troops.
Needless to say the casualties were horrific, although miraculously the villagers caught in the blast managed to pull off a lucky roll and survive the experience! The game was all but over, but suddenly the French counter-attacked. A surprised Viet Minh player (OK, me.. ) was hard pressed to hold on, and was surprised to find he had virtually no infantry stands left. Of course it turned out that every time I went to the bar or the boy’s room the swine of a French player hid another couple of my stands! Revenge will come…