Oberglauden, 1758
4th September 2007, Comments Off
Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm
We sometimes play a monthly Sunday game, and while the bulk of the plug settled down to a huge Ancients game using Warhammer, Dougie Trial and I grasped the opportunity to do a little more playtesting of Die Kriegskunst, the Seven Years War version of General de Brigade which we’re working on. We decided on a really small battle – just a brigade a side, so we could try out various situations without things getting too complicated.In effect a Russian Grenadier Regiment (two battalions supported by some guns) held its position against an assault by five Prussian battalions, including one of “elite” grenadiers. The aim was to try out various moving and firing amendments, fine-tuning what we’d worked on before. As it stands the Prussians have far too great an advantage in being able to move and fire without much of a penalty, as everyone else can’t move and fire at all.
We loosened things up a little for this game – and I think it made things a little more interesting. Now Prussians can move half their move and fire without penalty, or go their full move and suffer a -2 on firing. Everyone else now gets a -2 for up to half move, and can’t fire at all if they move further that turn. The Prussians still get a healthy bonus, but it gives everyone else a little more flexibility – and makes the game more interesting.
Other rules we tried out were ones covering a “Passage of Lines” where a battered unit can interpenetrate a fresh battalion supporting it from behind, and we also tinkered with rallying, and the unit and Brigade dispersal rules. My highlight came when the Prussian grenadiers tried to storm the Russian guns – with predictable results. Scratch one 500-man grenadier battalion!
The Russian grenadiers were badly mauled, but somehow one battalion held on to see off all opposition, while on the other side of the small field the two battalions of the Russian Narvski regiment held off the onslaught of two larger battalions of Prussian line, despite very heavy casualties.
The Russian guns were the key to this defensive victory, and they held their small hill against all comers, while piling grapeshot into the Prussians as they took on the Russian infantry to either side. I can see myself painting up some more guns before too long! All in all it was a constructive afternoon, and for once we didn’t argue about the rules. Somehow its different if they’re your own, and you’re playtesting them.