Los Andamos, 1936
8th September 2007, Comments Off
Spanish Civil War, Contemptible Little Armies, 20mm
Being prone to indolence I was happy to let someone else put on the game this week. Colin Jack and Bill Gilchrist joined forces to stage a 20mm Spanish Civil War game, complete with a stupendous church which dominated the centre of the table. Against my better judgement I was playing Franco’s Nationalist rebels this time round, although my normal affiliation is with the rainbow coalition of the left that was the Republic. Both sides were approaching the village from different table edges, and so a scrap in the village was inevitable. Well, a unit of Republican militia beat the Moorish Falange militia in the race to occupy the church, and they spent the rest of the game sniping at passers by. The Moors were then wiped out by a unit of Catalonian separatists who charged up the street at them in the wake of a Republican armoured car. the BA-6 and the Catalonians were obliterated in their turn by Nationalist machine gun fire.
On the Nationalist left a forlorn cavalry charge into a wood ended predictably, while on the Republican left a similar charge against another Moorish Falange unit hiding in a gully also ended in disaster. Although the Moors were ridden down, a unit of Nationalist cavalry caught the Republican horse in the flank and sent them reeling from the table.
Then a charge by the UGT and CNT militias was halted by fire from two Nationalist tanks. The game drew to a close because both sides had run out of units which could actually do anything!
As those Republican militiamen still held the church the game was declared a hard-fought draw. We used Contemptible Little Armies without any modifications, which seemed to do the trick. As with all games using these rules, the body count was ridiculously high, but we were guaranteed a fast paced and highly enjoyable game!