Knaresborough, 1644
26th August 2006, Comments Off
English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm
Next up was an English Civil War game, a stunning affair involving some custom-built scenery provided by Dave Imrie. It was designed as another test vehicle for Very Civile Actions, the ECW version of the Perfect Captain’s Spanish Fury – Actions rules.
The battle was set some time in the summer of 1644, and involved a joint Parliamentarian and Covenanting rearguard holding their ground against the Royalists, led by Prince Rupert of the Rhine. Dave Imrie’s Covenanters were superbly painted, and unlike most well painted troops on their first outing they performed fairly well, holding their own against repeated Royalist cavalry charges. My Parliamentarian regiment pictured below (Montagu’s Regiment of Foot) were less successful, and broke on first contact!
I have to admit, the game was so pretty that a bunch of club members spent the evening clustered round the table, and left swearing to raise their own units for Parliament, the Covenant or the King. Dave and I plan to run a demo game using these figures, this terrain and the rules at our club’s annual show – Claymore 2006, which is held here in Edinburgh on Saturday 5th August. That’ll also involve me painting up another 48-man New Model Army regiment, while Dave Imrie and Jack Glanville are busy painting up more Covenanters. the game itself will be a re-enactment of the Battle of Inverkeithing in July 1651, fought on the far side of the Forth Estuary from here, where the Forth Rail Bridge touches the Fife shore.