Crisis 2015, Antwerp
10th November 2015, Comments Off
At the start of November we flew over to Belgium, to put on a game at Crisis. I love this show. Its held on a Saturday – the first one in November – in a great hangar of a warehouse building on the banks of the River Schelde, on the northern edge of Antwerp. We go about every two years – you can have too much of a good thing – but always enjoy ourselves when we’re there. It also involves a fair amount of drinking too – on the Friday we hooked up with our wargaming buddy Sam in his local – the Bar Deco – and then drank heavily for several hours.
This made the show a painful experience, until we gave in and had the first of several hairs of the dog. The following evening was a quieter time altogether, and we landed up in the Bar du Port near the hotel, sinking a few bears with the Perry twins. The trip always involves taking in a battlefield, and this was no exception. Before flying home from Brussels on Sunday we went round the new Waterloo museum, and toured the refurbished farm of Hougoumont – site of a key action during the battle.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of the show, courtesy of my pal Dougie Trail, starting with our Renaissance Galley public participation game, showcasing the amazing wooden galley models designed by Tom Foss, and available from his Skull and Crown website, along with the rules. One of the great things about the show is the way you see different traders – Continental ones – and get to see a bunch of games that aren’t regulars of the British “circuit”.