Crisis 2011
10th November 2011, 0 Comments
Misc., Wargame Show, Antwerp
I’m not going to say much about this show except that it was terrific. The guys at the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp Club were fantastic, and not only laid on a great show, but were extremely hospitable too. The only downside was that the venue was pretty cramped (the show has outgrown the space), and it was stiflingly hot. That’s in hand though, and next year Crisis will be held in a brand new and much larger venue, right in the centre of Antwerp.
What was particularly enjoyable was that as the largest show on the European mainland, it attracted wargamers from all over the continent.
I’ve included a few pictures of some of the many display and participation games, the top prize going (very deservedly) to the Nottingham guys’ Italians in Abyssinia game.
There was also a terrific game featuring part of the Battle of Leipzig (1813), a Force on Force game set in Helmand Province, and a lively Nine Years War game. In fact, there were dozens of games to look at, all of a very high standard.
The one though that seemed to draw the biggest crowd wasn’t that fancy to look at – just a small 15mm Eastern Front game – but the Two Fat Lardies drew people in with their lively game and banter – a real example of how a participation game should be run! That’s them in the picture right at the top – Richard “Lardy” Clarke running a game, surrounded by a crowd of enthralled participants and onlookers.