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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Naval Warfare

Action of Tobago, 1797

The Age of Fighting Sail, Kiss Me Hardy, 1/1200 scale We felt like a naval game this week, and so I thought I’d get a few of my sailing men-of-war out. Neither Sean or Gyles had played a game using Kiss Me Hardy rules before, and I was a little rusty. So, I re-read them,

Ambush off the Lofoten Islands, 1942

World War 2 Naval, General Quarters (3rd edition), 1/2400 scale A week or so ago I had a fire in the flat. As a result my lead store was badly damaged by smoke. So, this week I staged a small, manageable game, where I didn’t have to bring much in the way of toys. I

The Battle of Paxos, 1538

Renaissance Galleys, Guns, Galleys & Glory!, 1/300 scale The period between Christmas and the New Year is always a strange one in the wargames club. Attendance is low, and so we often put on a multi-player game, to suck people into the action. this year Jack staged a Renaissance galleys game, using the superb collection

Action off Toulon, 1811

The Age of Fighting Sail, Post Captain, 1/1200 scale This was the evening of the wargame club’s AGM. Usually that involves a lot of dull bureaucratic stuff, dreary reports by office bearers and a loss of valuable wargaming time. . This time though, the dull but necessary bit was over by 8pm. That still left

Operation Rheinübung, 1941

World War II Naval, General Quarters (3rd edition), 1/2400 scale This was an unusual evening. First of all, I got there early and claimed my gaming table, as Dougie Trail was in town, and I was meeting him in the pub across the road. When we turned up I found some little shit had nicked

The Death of a Flotilla, 1941

WWII Coastal Forces, Narrow Seas, 1/600 scale This week we went back to playtesting Narrow Seas, David Manley’s forthcoming Coastal Forces rules. This time we wanted to try out three new things – using ships, firing big guns and launching torpedoes. So, that’s exactly what we did. The scenario was an MTB attack on a

Clash on the Varne Bank, 1941

WWII Coastal Forces, Narrow Seas, 1/600 scale A few weeks ago David Manley sent me a playtest version of his new fast-play rules for WW2 Coastal Forces. I promised to give them a go, and so that’s exactly what we did. I’ve used a few different sets over the years, and they usually fall down

The Clash off Horn’s Reef, 1916

The Great War at Sea, Fleet Action Imminent, 1/2400 scale We hadn’t played a naval game for a while, and when asked, my regular crowd opted for the Great War at sea, with “big guns”. So, that’s exactly what I laid on – a duel between a pair of dreadnought squadrons. The premise was that

The Capture of the President , 1815

The Age of Fighting Sail, Post Captain, 1/1200 scale This week we planned to play a Back of Beyond game, but for various reasons that got postponed for a month. So, we fell back on Post Captain, the rules we use to fight single ship actions. This time, we based the game on a historical

Jutland, 1916 – The Run to the South

The Great War at Sea, Fleet Action Imminent, 1/2400 scale Earlier this week, when I asked people what kind of ships they wanted to play with, some said big ones, and other small ones. So, I laid on a game that had both. We’ve wargamed this before – it’s something of a classic action –

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