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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Frying Pan Shoals, North Carolina, 1863

Ironclads, Bill’s Ironclad Rules, 1/600 scale We were all at see this week in Edinburgh, as Bill Gilchrist gave us another taster of his “Ironclad” rules. The battle was completely fictitious, involving Confederate ships more usually found on the Mississippi River, off Savannah and up in Pamlico Sound, as well as a more appropriate Union

The Battle of Helgoland, 1864

Ironclads, Prusso-Danish War, Bill’s Ironclad Rules, 1/600 scale For a while now, Bill Gilchrist and I have been developing a set of naval rules for the “Ironclad” era. I say Bill and I, but actually I’m just there in a sort of “naval buff” supporting role – Bill is the real brains behind the project.

Mobile Bay, 1864

Ironclads, Bill’s Ironclad Rules, 1/600 scale Bill Gilchrist and I have been developing a set of naval wargame rules. Actually Bill has been doing almost all the work – I’m just there to share the credit. They’re tentatively called Ironclad, and the plan is to have them published by Osprey, as part of their rules

Wassaw Sound, Georgia, 1863

Ironclads, Smoke on the Water, 1/600th scale For a change we ran off to sea this week, or rather to a tidal estuary. We decided we hadn’t played a naval game for a long time, and consequently we dug out our American Civil War ships. The game was loosely based on the battle between the

The Battle of Lissa, 1866

Ironclad, Home grown rules by Colin Jack, 1/2400 scale I’ll be the first to admit that we’ve been at sea a lot lately. However, Colin Jack hadn’t brought these little ships out for several years, and felt a sortie was long overdue. We were tempted by not having to do anything – useful as I

Albemarle Sound, 1864

Ironclads, Smoke on the Water, 1/600 scale  Its been a good while since we last played an American Civil War naval game, and this was the first since we got our shiny new sea mat. OK, its not really suitable for the muddier waters of the Mississippi River – we’ll need a special mat for that

Mississippi River, 1862

American Civil War Naval , Smoke on the Water,  1/600 scale    Next up I played an American Civil War naval game, using Smoke on the Water rules. It was set on the Mississippi, and pitted the CSS Arkansas and a small cottonclad ram against two Cairo Classs river ironclads, backed up by the USS Queen

Ironclads – Playing the Period

Some of the ugliest ships known to man The mid-19th century was a real transition time for warship design – sail to steam, wood to iron, smoothbores to rifled guns, roundshot to shell – and the American Civil War landed plump in the middle of it all. While some wargamers dismiss this as a boring

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