The Second World War
The Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm About three times a year a group of wargamers get together in the small Scottish towns of Kirriemuir or Stonehaven, and play a large game over the course of a weekend. This time it was the Second World War, with a Normandy game on one day, and a
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This week we adapted a Charles S. Grant scenario – “Assault River Crossing” – culled from Scenarios for Wargames, 1981. We set our game in the summer of 1941, somewhere to the north of Polotsk. The Germans of the 4th Panzer Group needed to establish a bridgehead across
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This small game (fought out on a 6×4 foot table) was a scenario from Dave Brown’s forthcoming Mediterranean Theatre scenario book, for Battlegroup Panzergrenadier. Despite the dreadful name this is actually an excellent set of rules, and as the Second Edition is due out any day now, I thought
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This was another of those scenarios from Dave Brown’s Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier scenario book. We’ve been meaning to play this one for ages, but we had to wait until we had enough German trucks. I don’t know why really – most of them were brewed up within the
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This was a scenario from the “Battles for the West” scenario book for Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, but I suppose it would just as well for any other similar rules. It involved a rare French attack (launched by General de Gaulle) against the flank of the advancing German columns. In
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This is a scenario published in the back of the Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier rules, and again (slightly modified) in the East Front scenario book. We’ve been meaning to play it for ages, and the arrival of a new grass mat gave us the excuse – and a nice 8’x6′ battlefield.
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This week my pal Chris Henry brought in his 20mm Western Desert toys, and staged a game for us which involved a British probe against a well-defended Italian strongpoint, somewhere to the south-west of Tobruk. The British didn’t expect much opposition, and so their orders (capture the Italian
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm It usually takes a lot to talk me into playing a 15mm game – to me these little figures lack the visual appeal of 20mm Second World War, or even 28mm. However, when my wargaming chum Kevan Gunn offers to take along his snow terrain its well worth
Second World War, Rules of Engagement, 28mm You can rely on Colin Jack to think up a bloody silly scenario. When he told me he planned to run a skirmish game involving the planned German Invasion of Britain I was expecting something vaguely sensible. I should have known better! The premise was that the British
Second World War, Rapid Fire!, 20mm This week I didn’t organise a game beforehand, so I got invited to play in one with unfamiliar rules, using scenery dragged from the depths of the club store. However, the tanks looked nice – and there were lots of ’em! The scenario was based on one from the new Rapid Fire! scenario
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