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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Second World War

Jupiter Beach, D+1, 1944

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 28mm This was the third D-Day game fought out on the same table. The last time I played it was mid-January, and the Allies just about managed to fight their way off the beach. When I left it the leading Allied unit was the Sherman called “Milly”, who had

Jupiter Beach, 1944

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 28mm This Thursday there wasn’t anything I fancied playing at the club, so I popped round to Hugh Wilson’s place instead. Every second Thursday Hugh lays on a game, and this week it was Normandy. I don’t go to Hugh’s games every time – that would be disloyal to

Karpati Airdrij, 1944

The Second World War, Rapid Fire, 20mm First off, let me thank Bart Zynda for these pictures, as I had a senior moment and forgot my camera. I didn’t have a game planned this week, and simply turned up at the Edinburgh club clutching dice and a tape measure. Colin Jack was kind enough to

Skirmish near Rauray, 1944

The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This was my second Chain of Command game this month, fought in “the one true scale”. Having struggled to find a set of Second World War skirmish rules that hit the mark, I’ve  been giving Chain of Command a good try out. The more I play it

Glanville le Conasse, France 1944

The Second World War, Chain of Command, 15mm I don’t normally do 15mm games. I don’t have any figures in the scale anymore, and don’t really see the point of it. Still, needs must. In Edinburgh, Jack, Derek and Jim have tons of 15mm Second World War kit, and so it remains their scale of

Primosole, Sicily, 1943

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 28mm I had a very strange weekend. On Friday night I was in Orkney, giving a speech and the “immortal memory” toast at a very boozy Trafalgar Night Dinner. I had my car “valet parked” on the ferry, and the following morning I driving it ashore in Aberdeen. Two

Clash near Rauray, 1944

The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm In the Edinburgh club two of its most senior members are collectively known as “The Old Stoners”. They’re a bit like Stadler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show, only more laid back. Anyway, every so often they rave enthusiastically about a new set of rules, proclaiming them

Partisan Ambush, Ukraine, 1942

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 28mm I popped into the Edinburgh club for the first time in ages – I spend most of my summer in Orkney. There were several good-looking games in progress, including a 10mm Vietnam one, a 15mm Second World War encounter, and a 28mm American War of Independence battle, as

Skirmish at La P’tite Folie, Normandy, 1944

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 28mm Like last week’s encounter, this little skirmish game was played out using the Bolt Action rules. When I first came across them I wasn’t too keen on them, as they had a lot of quirks in them. However, on re-reading them and after playing a few games I’ve

Malburgen, Arnhem, 1944

The Second World War, Bolt Action, 20mm found myself in Edinburgh on Thursday evening, with no game planned, and no lead with me. Fortunately, Bill Gilchrist invited me to take part in a  Second World War skirmish, using his 20mm figures, and Bolt Action rules. I’m still not convinced by Bolt Action, so I was

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