The Second World War
The Second World War, What a Tanker!, 28mm I’d never played What a Tanker! before, so when the guys suggested it I was fairly amenable. I gave them a read during the week, and brought along a handful of German AFVs on the night. Rather strangely, there were three of us playing, but we fielded
The Second World War, Rapid Fire, 20mm This game was laid on by Bart, and apparently was based on a real battle fought in a place with an unpronounceable name. Well, Bart can pronounce it, but he’s Polish, so he should. Anyway, it was a game using Bart’s 20mm toys, using a rules set I
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm We hadn’t played a Second World War game in ages, and so with everyone else fresh out of ideas, Peter suggested a “Big CoC” Actually, it wasn’t that big a game, despite being played on an 8×4 foot table. It was a fictitious one, set somewhere near
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm With other regulars bailing out to play other games, it was left to Bart and I to stage a game. We decided on a Second World War skirmish – something we hadn’t done for a while. Usually, Bart fields the Polish Armoured Division in Normandy, but this
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm Last week we all agreed to take along our Second World War toys, as we hadn’t played that period for a while. It used to be a leading wargames staple, but in the last year or so other periods have overtaken it. This was going to be
The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 10mm Last week Sandy Gillespie and I discussed the possibility of staging a small WW2 game, as I hadn’t yet tried out the new “deluxe” version of Battlegroup Panzergrenadier. These used to be a staple rules set of ours, but they got set aside as we got caught up in
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm Nothing says Christmas like an MG34. That seemed to be the tag line for this game, set in Normandy in August 1944. Motorised infantry of the 1st Polish Armoured Division were advancing south from Caen to Falaise, and having secured the open ground around St. Sylvain and
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This game was played during one of my visits to Orkney. In my absence the guys in the Orkney Wargames Club have been living on an almost total diet of Chain of Command, and although their terrain still looks very western front, their games are now set
The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm This Thursday I was up in Orkney, arriving after a six hour drive and a one hour ferry crossing. I joined in a game staged by Alan Bruce, with two of the other usual Orkney crowd – Sean and Gyles. I have to say, although I was
Second World War , Chain of Command, 28mm After our Great War game two weeks ago using the prototype of Great CoC, we decided to opt of an everyday game, using the rules as they were written, rather than with Great War amendments. Essentially the aim was familiarisation – both Campbell Hardie and Bill Gilchrist
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