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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Second World War

The Road to Falaise, 1944

World War 2, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm   Next was another Second World War fight, this time in 15mm. This scale remains popular in the Club, particularly for late war games. This involved a  British attack during the final phase of the Normandy campaign, with the British expanding south from Caen towards Falaise.The advance came up

The Second World War – Playing the Period

Fighting the Nazis on every Front! Second World War in the Journal I don’t play Nazis, or at least I try to avoid it. Every wargame club has its members who glorify the Nazis, and who field SS units and King Tigers at a drop of a hat. I’ve not one of them. Give me

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