The Second World War
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm This summer I finally sold off the last of my 15mm WW2 collection – a large American army. All I kept was a small force which I’d based in snow and mud – ideal for the Battle of the Bulge. Well, my wargame buddy Kevan Gunn has Germans done
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm I’ve been talked into playing quite a few 15mm games lately. While I usually try to avoid the scale, its still very popular in the Edinburgh Club, and sometimes you just have to go with the flow. This one was based on Operation Bluecoat – the British punch in
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This is where Dougie Trail had his revenge for his Back of Beyond drubbing. He supplied all of the figures, and against my better judgement I played one of the German commanders, along with drouthy cronies Bob n’ Jim. Actually I let them do most of the gaming, while
Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm I bought a section of British Paratroopers in 28mm at Partizan, and used them in a Second World War skirmish game using Disposable Heroes rules. The objective was to capture or deny to the enemy an abandoned German quad flak gun hidden in a ruined building somewhere in Germany.
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm Next came a couple of Second World War games back to back – first being a 15mm one (lead by Kevan Gunn, Jim Louttit & Derek Hodge) where the British tried to force their way through a heavily-defended sector of the Reichswald in early 1945. While it wasn’t the prettiest
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm Next it was the turn of my 20mm Russians, fighting their way out of the Pripet Marshes in a 1941 scenario dreamed up by Dougie Trail. As Dougie was playing the Nazi I should have know better. The aim was to get off the table, after negotiating a nasty
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm From the savannah of Africa to the snow-covered hills of the Ardennes. The next game was a 15mm Second World War game between my Americans and my wargaming pal Kevan’s Germans. Although I rarely play with 15mm figures these days, I’ve kept a few just to take part in
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm Then came another Second World War game. We’ve been playing an awful lot of WW2 lately, and I apologise to those of you who want to see piccies of other periods! The scenario was based on an attack launched by the 51st Highland Division against the German bridgehead over the
World War 2, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm We played five games this month. The first was a Second World War affair where my BEF took the field against the Nazi hordes. The scenario called for a unit of Divisional Cavalry (all Universal Scout Carriers and Vickers Mk. VIb light tanks to hold off the spearhead of Rommel’s
World War 2, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm Next was another Second World War fight, this time in 15mm. This scale remains popular in the Club, particularly for late war games. This involved a British attack during the final phase of the Normandy campaign, with the British expanding south from Caen towards Falaise.The advance came up
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