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in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The Second World War

Thiaucourt, 1944

Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 15mm This was one of those rare Sunday afternoon games, a small Second World War fight where we weren’t constrained by time. it involved French armour punching its way through a German defensive belt somewhere to the north-west of Metz, in the Lorraine countryside during the autumn of 1944. As usual

Mont Pincon, 1944

Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm Sometimes the prettiest tables don’t photograph very well. This was a case in point – the table looked fantastic, but my pictures don’t really do it justice. It was a Second World War skirmish, set somewhere around Mont Pincon in Normandy in 1944. German paratroopers defended, and troops of

Bourbourg, 1940

Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This is more a story of blundering ineptitude than anything else. the British commander (er .. me) was ordered to press an attack through a French hamlet, in an attempt to re-open supply lines between Calais and Dunkirk.He had a fair amount of resources – a Reconnaissance Squadron (Scout

Rasyenya, 1941

Second World War,  Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm This was a scenario listed in Dave’ Brown Battles for the East scenario book for the Battlegroup Panzer-Grenadier rules. It was aptly subtitled “Meeting the Dreadnought”, as it featured the monster show above – a KV-2. The scenario (fought out on an 8×6 foot table) involved the drive by

Hell’s Highway, 1944

Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm Occasionally, Sunday is “big game day”, where we have the use of the Royal Navy Club for as long as we want. This month Jack Glanville staged a large Second World War skirmish game, using Disposable Heroes. It was all loosely set during Operation Market Garden, and pitted two

Amfreville, 1944

Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm Well, we were due to play a Second World War skirmish game, but I never expected it to be quite as silly -and enjoyable – as this one. the basic premise was simple. Somewhere on the far right flank of the Normandy landings a bunch of scattered American paratroops

The fight for Elderveld, 1944

Second World War, Disposable Heroes, 28mm Inspired by the big Normandy game last month, we decided to try out Disposable Heroes for ourselves. We decided on a platoon-sized action, with Polish Paratroops occupying a village, while the Germans – all Fallschirmjagers – attacked it from two sides- the south-east and south-west corners. In other words we

The Oer Misus Oasis, 1940

Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergenadier, 20mm Last week we saw a Colonial Italian army fighting amid the jungles of Africa. This week it was the turn of their grandchildren, who were busy fighting a rearguard action against a British “reconnaissance in force”. The game was laid on by my pal Chris Henry, who supplied all

Normandy Beachhead, 1944

Second World War, Disposable Heroes & Flames of War, 28mm & 15mm The weekend was spent in Kirriemuir, Angus with the “League of Gentlemen Wargamers”. These fellows laid on a Normandy weekend which consisted of two games – an impressive D-Day landing fought out in 15mm, followed by an even more spectacular 28mm game set

Croisilles, 1940

The Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm We hadn’t played a WW2 game for a while, so we thought it was time to get the tankie toys out again. The idea was that a small French force was launching a counter-attack against a German-held village. However, after a few turns of shelling the French player

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