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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Bismarck’s Wars

The Battle of Vionville, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm We rarely play the same period twice in a row, except when we’re trying to learn or re-acquaint ourselves with a set of rules. This was the case here. For last week’s 1866 game I forgot the playsheets listing the European amendments to the rules. So, we decided to

The Assault on Knischnitz, 1866

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm It’s been a while since we last delved into this colourful period. The last time we were trying out Piquet’s Field of Battle. This time though, we returned to what is probably my favourite rules set for the period – Fire & Fury. While these are for the American

The Battle of Nachod 1866

Bismarck’s Wars, Field of Battle, 10mm Recently, a care package arrived from my pal Gerry. In it was a pile of unpainted 10mm figures, including enough for an Austrian Corps. So, thanks to him, I could expand my Franco-Prussian kit into another war. This then, was the inaugural game of my new Austrians. I opted

The Battle of Sarreguemines, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Field of Battle, 10mm We had something of a change of scale this week. Newcomer Bob had just bought a copy of the new 3rd edition of Piquet’ – Field of Battle. So, we decided to try them out. Now, I’ve used these rules a few times before, but only with 10mm figures,

The Battle of Lembach, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Bonnie Blue Flag, 10mm I hadn’t used these little figures for some time, so I brought them out this week, to stage a small fictional Franco-Prussian Battle. This was very much designed as a learning game, as Gyles hadn’t played these fun rules before, and I hadn’t for quite some time. Actually, Michael

The Battle of Saint-Avold, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Bonnie Blue Flag, 10mm Michael wanted to play a Franco-Prussian game this week, and we agreed, on the proviso that he can’t choose the game for another fortnight! What started out as a small rules re-acquaintance game on a 6×4 foot table turned into a large multi-player affair, albeit still just a Corps-

The Battle of Faulquemont, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Bonnie Blue Flag, 10mm With a lot of people on holiday this week my regular group was reduced to just one – German Michael (aka “Mad Micha”). We opted for a small Franco-Prussian game using our 10mm toys, to see how they work with Bonnie Blue Flag. While Michael hadn’t tried these rules

The Battle of Mars-la-Tour, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm This week we sneaked an extra game into the diary by playing on a Saturday. We hired the hall of the local bowling club for the day – they even have a bar – and we used the space to refight the Battle of Mars-la-Tour. This came about because

The Austro-Prussian War of 1866

Special Feature. This last weekend I went over to Hradec Kralove in the Czech Republic, to see the marking of the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Koniggratz (3 July 1866). It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend, which involved a lot of walking round battlefields, drinking Czech beer and generally having a good time. The

The Battle of Wissemweiller, 1870

The Franco-Prussian War, Fire & Fury, 10mm This is a new departure for me. I’m pretty much a dyed-in-the-wool 28mm wargamer, and it takes a lot to get me even sniffing at other scales. Still, I have some 10mm Western Desert kit somewhere, and I’ve seen people play 6mm and 10mm games and survive the

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