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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Modern Periods

The Battle of Magenta, 1859

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm Okay, Bismarck wasn’t responsible for this one, but it still fits into the same historical period. As I’d recently painted up some Italian buildings, we decided to take the fight to Northern Italy this week, and fight part of the Battle of Magenta – the big scrap outside Milan

Attack on Hedgehog Wood, Abbeville 1940

The Second World War, Chain of Command, 28mm  With just Nick and I available this time, we decided to play a CoC game, set in 1940. that seemed the perfect excuse to stary a new ‘pint-sized campaign. I opted for Attack on Caesar’s Camp, which follows the fortunes of the 51st (Highland) Division of the

The Fight for Masterbianco 1943

The Second World War, Rapid Fire Reloaded, 10mm We were off to Sicily this week, trying out a scenario devised by Kevin Calder in the latest Wargamers’ Annual. It wasn’t the usual fare – deployment was pretty random, to reflect scattered units, and instead of morale worked out at battalion level, as usual, we did

Dustup at Dusti, 1920

The Back of Beyond, The Men Who Would Be Kings (adapted), 28mm  It’s been quite a while since we last ventured into the ‘Back of Beyond’. As Nick pointed out, we usually run it as a pre-Christmas game, but this time ACW river rams got played instead. We made up for it this week, with

The Battle for Okhtyrka 1943

The Second World War, Rapid Fire Reloaded, 10mm Its very unusual that we play two similar games back to back. Still, as I said last week we’re trying out different rules sets for our 10mm WW2 kit. Last week it was Iron Cross, while this time it’s Rapid Fire Reloaded. Now, I haven’t played Rapid

Clash at Borisovka1943

The Second World War, Iron Cross, 10mm It’s been a while. Damn you, Christmas and New Year, for your enforced jollity and closed venues – like the hall we game in! This week though, we were back, or at least Sean and I were. The plan was to try out two rules sets for this

The Battle of Ladonchamps, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm  Sean opted for the Franco-Prussian War this week, so I selected this battle, fought on October 1970. It was meant to be the French break-out from Metz, but in the end it became an exercise in farm-grabbing, to secure supplies for the besieged French army. So, it was unusual

Battle of Liebanau 1866

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm  I don’t really do the same periods back to back on here, and while I haven’t really  here, I’ve done it with the same rules and scale. the thing is, Charles Grant wanted an article for the Wargamers’ Annual, and so I needed to stage an Austro-Prussian War game,

Battle of Corinth, 1862

The American Civil War,  Brigade Fire & Fury, 10mm With Sean away, Nick opted for a 10mm American Civil War game. So, it was off to the backwoods of Mississippi this week, and a refight of the Battle of Corinth, fought in early October 1862. In this one, Nick opted for the attacking Confederates, while

Action over South Foreland, 1940

The Second World War, Bag the Hun, 1/300 scale  We’ve had a dearth of games lately, for various reasons – largely because it’s summer, and people are off doing summery things. Anyway, Nick and I managed to play a game, and as a treat he brought in his vast 1/300 Battle of Britain collection. I

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