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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

The Battle of Lauterbach, 1759

The Seven Years War, Seven Years, 28mm We returned to the Seven Years War this week, and the rules we’re playtesting, under the paternal guidance of Michael Schneider. For this game Michael fielded a Western Allied force led by Maj. Gen. von Wutginau, leader of the Hessian contingent of the Allied army. He had nine

The Battle of Valutino-Gora, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Over the Hills, 28mm The real Battle of Valutino-Gora (or Loubino) took place a few miles to the north-east of Smolensk in August 1812. The Russians had evacuated Smolensk, but because the French blocked the main road to Moscow they pulled out using country roads to the north of the city, which

The Battle of Bruno-Kretchnau, 1759

The Seven Years War, The War Game, 28mm Once every now and again you take part in a wargame that becomes an instant “classic”. This was one of them. I’ve been playing games up in Kirriemuir with the League of Gentleman Wargamers for a bit over a decade, and through the years we’ve staged several

The Battle of Catawba, 1781

The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm This week we revisited the American War of Independence – a period we hadn’t played for quite a while. The scenario was concocted by Michael, and was loosely based on a mash-up of Cowpens, Hobkirk’s Hill and Guilford Courthouse. The British were attacking, with eight foot battalions,

The Battle of Zwieback Hügel, 1759

The Seven Years War, Seven Years, 28mm We’d planned to have another playtest of these nascent Seven Years War rules, so that’s exactly what we did this week. the battle was fought between the French and the Western Allies, with two brigades of foot and one of cavalry per side, plus a battery of guns.

The Battle of Vogelgrippe, 1759

The Seven Years War, Seven Years, 28mm It seems we’ve all been tinkering with Seven Years War rules. My own revamp of Die Kriegskunst comes on slowly, with progress hindered by tons of real world work. However, Michael Schneider belted out a set of rules in what seemed a week or so, based on some

Raid on St. Vincent, 1757

The French & Indian War, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm The little hamlet of St. Vincent lies in the heart of Vandalia County, in the backwoods of Britain’s North American colony. It originally consisted of a church and four houses, but when the church was burned in a raid the locals replaced it with a stout

The Battle of Saltzkotten, 1760

The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm I missed last Thursday’s club night game due to a book launch (not one of mine though), and I’ll miss the next two Thursdays as I’ll be in Florida. So, I grabbed the chance to fit in a Sunday game at the club. Michael Schneider brought along his

Blowing the Beiseforth Bridge 1758

The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm For our last game of the year we scaled things down a bit, partly because a lot of the regulars were away, but also because this was just a little playtest. I’ve been tinkering with my new version of Die Kriegskunst, and this was a chance to try out

The Second Battle of Trenton, 1776

The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm This is becoming something of a Christian tradition. A few years ago, “German Michael” laid on a refight of the Battle of Trenton, fought in the snow at this time of year. He sort of extended the game too, so that by its end the remains of

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