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Horse & Musket Periods
Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, In the Heart of Africa modified, 28mm Well, after weeks of painting my Indian Mutineers were finally able to take the field. We set up a large 8′ x 6′ table, with a beleaguered British compound at one end, and a town in the middle. A British relief column had to
Darkest Africa, In the Heart of Africa, 28mm Next came a “Darkest Africa” colonial game, using Chris Peers’ Heart of Africa rules. It pitted my German East Africa Company (an expanded version of my WW1 East German Schutztruppe) against the He He (played by Adrian Rennie). This was the first outing for both forcers, although
The French & Indian War, A Good Day to Die, 28mm The next game was one laid on by some gaming chums at the club, involving what appeared to be a jungle dotted with aquarium rock outcrops. Dinosaurs roamed over the table, where they were hunted down by teams of 28mm figures who drove around
Teaching the Colonials a lesson… American War of Independence in the Journal This is probably my oldest 25mm period, and until recently it showed. Being the first “proper” 25mm army I painted (and my painting standard was a lot lower than it is now) then they all look a little .. er .. basic! Therefore
Let’s give Boney a damned good thrashing! Napoleonic Wars in the Journal It began with a false start. Wargaming pals badgered me into trying the period, and in the end I opted for the British in the Peninsula. I painted up the 3rd Foot (“The Buffs”), but then the project ran out of steam. I
Skulking around in the woods I’m not usually a great fan of skirmish games, but that’s the best level to treat this offshoot of the Seven Years War. Forget the few big battles and sieges such as Quebec and Louisbourg – the real wargaming potential of this conflict is found in the struggle in the
This is arguably my favourite period. Many many years ago I wrote a couple of Osprey books on The Russian Army of the Seven Years War. I suppose then it was inevitable that I would get sucked into gaming the period. Funnily enough, though the Russians were my first Seven Years War (SYW) army, I
I can remember the very day when I was first hooked by this period. When I was about twelve I went on a school trip to Edinburgh Castle, and for me the highlight was the Scottish War Museum. In it was the usual collection of uniforms, weapons and mementos, but what really too my
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