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The Napoleonic Wars, Republic to Empire, 28mm There’s always something spectacular about large “Napoleonic” games, where the table groans under the weight of the lead. Well, this was one of them. The excuse was the playtesting by ther Edinburgh club of the forthcoming Republic to Empire rules. The plan was to refight the Battle of
The Napoleonic War, General de Brigade, 28mm This Saturday we all headed north to Kirriemuir, in north-east Scotland. The town is host to Targe, a small but enjoyable wargames show, which marks the end of the annual wargames calendar. Our Edinburgh club put on two 28mm games – “Toulgas 1918” (Russian Civil War), which pitched
Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm When we don’t want to do a particularly big game, and prefer someone else to do the thinking for us, we often resort to a Charles S. Grant scenario. In this case, we culled one from Scenarios for All Ages (1996), a little book he co-authored with Stuart Asquith. It
Seven Years War, Die Kreigskunst, 28mm You won’t find Kirriesdorf in any atlas. This was a fictional battle, fought out in Kirriemuir in Scotland, laid on by the local wargames club. They’d invited the “Tricorne” team (myself and Dougie Trail) up to umpire, so it presented an opportunity to put the rules through their paces.
Seven Years War, Die Kreigskunst, 28mm In the latest Battlegames (Issue 14), Charles S. Grant offered up a new “Tabletop Teaser”. Well, we planned to have a Seven Years War game today, as a sort of warm-up for a much larger game up in Kirriemuir over the weekend. Charles’ scenario looked ideal. It involved two
The Napoleonic Wars, Republic to Empire, 28mm This Sunday we took part in a playtest of the forthcoming Republic to Empire rules. As this was just a playtesting session the armies were highly unusual. One side fielded British, supported by a pair of American guns, while the opposition was an unholy alliance of Frenchmen, Americans, Bavarians an
Darkest Africa, In the Heart of Africa, 28mm Anyone who reads this journal will know by now that Chris Peers’ rules produce fun, silly games. One of the strangest of his rule sets is In the Heart of Africa. It works a little like Contemptible Little Armies / Back of Beyond, only there’s a lot of
The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm Last week, after my miserable defeat in the Advanced Column scenario, the Prussian commanders laid down a challenge. They said that if the Prussians had been attacking and the Russians defending, then they would have captured their objectives without any problem. Consequently we decided to repeat last week’s
The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm I blame Charles S. Grant. He seems like a nice chap, a mild-mannered retired brigadier, but he’s really a sadistic individual, hell-bent on making a wargamer’s life an unpleasant one. Anyone who thinks this a bit harsh obviously hasn’t seen his Scenarios for Wargames (1981). You see, we decided
The Napoleonic Wars, Republic to Empire, 28mm Two or three times a year a group of wargamers who call themselves “The League of Gentlemen Wargamers” get together to play a game – usually up in the Scottish town of Kirriemuir. A year or so ago they kindly included me in their group, and now I
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