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Horse & Musket Periods
The Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm The premise behind this little game was that a Russian raiding force had crossed the Elbe, and burned down a gun foundry on the outskirts of Berlin. It was now trying to get back to the Elbe and safety. This was loosely based on Totleben’s Berlin Raid of
The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm The first problem with Vittoria is how to spell it. Many modern histories drop the second “t”, as that’s the way the Spanish spell the place. I’m afraid I stick with the “old school” spelling…By any standards this was a big refight. Apparently there were upwards of 3,500 figures
Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Honour & Fortitude, 28mm This is less of a game report than a short photo essay, showing an Indian Mutiny game laid on by the Edinburgh Club (the SESWC) at the recent Partizan show in Newark. Most of the figures were supplied by Brian of Mutineer Miniatures, and Colin Jack was
The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm This was a rare chance to play a game up in Orkney, and it was in effect the inaugural game of the resurrected Orkney Wargames Club. We have only two members so far, but its a start! Anyway, this was a Napoleonic clash, set right at the start
Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Honour & Fortitude, 28mm As this was my first visit to the Edinburgh Club in months, it was inevitable that there would be a little celebratory drinking. Well, it got a little out of hand – this was the booziest wargame I’ve played. It was almost impossible to take a shot
The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm Having seen the report of by Guilford Courthouse game from the week before, Bill Gilchrist decided to have a go at refighting the same battle, this time using Black Powder. He staged the game in his house, where his wargaming table rests on top of an antique
The American War of Independence, British Grenadier, 28mm Two wargames in one weekend! This was a refight of Guilford Courthouse – probably my favourite battle from the American War of Independence, and not just ’cause I wrote the Osprey book on it! The war in the South has always held more appeal than the fighting
The Napoleonic Wars, French Revolutionary War, Carnage & Glory II, 28mm Every so often you get to play a game that is so pretty that you consider it a privilege to take part. This was one of them. I was attending Historicon 2010 – the big US wargame show, held this year at King of
The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm A few months ago a few of us got together to stage an enormous Marston Moor game, held in a hotel in a remote corner of Fife, a one hour drive from Edinburgh. Well this time we tackled a Seven Years War refight – the Battle of Hastenbeck,
The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm This week’s game was a refight of the Battle of Camden, one of the shortest stand-up fights of the American War of Independence. In the real battle, all Cornwallis had to do was to advance his army towards the Americans. That was enough, and half of the
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