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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

The Battle of Lendino, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm True to my promise to myself, the inaugural game was a big Napoleonic bash, loosely based on Borodino. All the Russians had to do was to hold the roads leading off the table edge until the end of the day. As we started at lunchtime and planned to

The Bridge at Perro Negro, 1810

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This little Napoleonic game was based on a scenario on Scenarios for All Ages, by Charles S. Grant and Stuart Asquith. The idea is, both sides want to capture the same bridge, and two matched forces are sent to secure it. A second supporting column is ordered to help,

Neuhausen, East Prussia, 1757

The Seven Years War, Black Powder, 28mm Back up in Orkney I wanted to give my Seven Years War Russian army an airing – something it hadn’t really done since the Pivo debacle of September 2012. The excuse was that I’d a big Seven Years War weekend lined up in Fife, but thanks to pressing

The Vandalia Raid, 1756

The French & Indian War, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm This week I went along to the Edinburgh club and brought my French & Indian toys with me. The game that followed was a multi-player skirmish, with the French attacking a peaceful farming community in Vandalia (my semi-fictitious English colony), and a British garrison marching to the

The Battle of Hanau, 1813

The Napoleonic War, Black Powder, 28mm The Edinburgh club is still on its seasonal hiatus, so Bill Gilchrist invited a few of us along to play a game in his wargames room – or garage. We refought the Battle of Hanau (30 October 1813), where the Bavarians tried to block Napoleon’s withdrawal back to France

The Battle of Rueda, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This fictional battle was staged in Edinburgh wargamer Hugh Wilson’s house, fought out on Hugh’s unusually  long table using figures from several collections. The scenario was concocted by Bill Gilchrist, who also supplied these photos and the cool little map. The idea was that the British army was in

The Battle of Bell’s Quarry, 1777

The American War of Independence, Maurice, 28mm This Thursday I was invited around to Bill Gilchrist’s house to try my hand at a game of Maurice. I say house, but his wargame room is actually his garage, and very cosy it was too.Maurice is really a set of Seven Years War rules, produced by Sam

Klinkhausen, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm  This little game was played up in Orkney using the little 7×5 foot table in my attic wargaming den. Three of us took part – Mark Colston commanding the French, while Alan Bruce and I took charge of the Prussians and Russians respectively. It was a little encounter

Action at Villa Verde, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm It was a rare event – Dougie Trail and I haven’t played a game together for ages – since his move to Helensburgh, and my seasonal one to Orkney. As we were both in Edinburgh at the same time we decided to stage a small Peninsular War game, with

Sandwikshausen, 1813

The Napoleonic Wars, General de Brigade, 28mm Good old Charles S. Grant. Whenever I’m in need of an interesting scenario for a game I dip into one of his scenario books, or stockpile of “Tabletop Teasers”. This one – dubbed “Holding Action (1)” was culled from Scenarios for Wargames, published back in 1981. Its one

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