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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

The Hunt for El Niño, Sangria, Spain, 1808

The Napoleonic Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm The week between Christmas and New Year is known for the staging of “silly games”. This year was no exception. Jack Glanville and Derek Hodge (the Statler and Waldorf of Scottish wargaming) laid on this charmingly silly game set in the Peninsular War. The Spanish town of Sangria was

The Battle of Liliane-Funcken, 1758

Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm Our second December clash using Honours of War was a more straightforward clash than our last game. It saw two reasonably balanced forces line up along opposite sides of an 8×6 foot table, and then get stuck in. In theory there was an objective. there were two villages

The Storming of Fort Washington, 1776

The American War of Independence,  Black Powder, 28mm We recently started playing an American War of Independence game in the Edinburgh club. the whole thing is organised by Michael Schneider, who rather fortuitously has a large matched pair of armies for the period. In the campaign, Jack Glanville is playing the part of the rebel

The Battle of Kutzdorf, 1760

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm This week we decided to give the new Osprey Seven Years War rules a go using my French and Michael Schneider’s Hessians. The battle was lifted straight from one of the scenarios in the book – The Battle of Kutzdorf – and saw 2red” force holding two

Skirmish in the Adirondacks, 1756

French & Indian War, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm   This French & Indian Wars skirmish game was staged by Hugh Wilson in his house. His terrain looked great – the great rocky mountain pictured above, separated from the rest of a table by a spur of Lake George. On the far bank was the small

Massacre at Bart’s Farm, 1777

The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm This game was laid on by Michael Schneider, who supplied all the lead, worked out the scenario and umpired the game. Actually he also took charge of his beloved Hessians on the British left flank, so he was sort of an umpire with mercenary tendencies. Anyway, this

Raid on Happy Valley, Ohio 1756

French & Indian War, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm This little foray to the frontiers of our North American colonies was a spur of the moment thing. We needed a game, I had all the kit, and so four willing players set to, fighting for a little corner of the American backwoods. I don’t think I’ve ever

The Battle of White Plains, 1776

The American War of Independence , Black Powder, 28mm This week we sneaked in an extra Sunday game. The Edinburgh Club meets in the city’s Royal Navy Club, and on weekends the place is usually busy. This week though we were able to put on a game – one organised by Michael Schneider as a

The Battle of Muñoz, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm I’d arranged to play a small Napoleonic game when Bill Gilchrist got back from his holiday on Madeira, and this was what we came up with. The scenario was drawn straight from the Black Powder Albion Triumphant Peninsular supplement, but for copyright reasons I can’t publish the map. Essentially

The Battle of Rochefort, 1815

The Napoleonic Wars, Waiting for Bonaparte, 28mm This weekend I was up in Kirriemuir, taking part in the latest League of Gentleman Wargamers extravaganzas. I haven’t been at one of their games for over a year, and I miss their style of large-scale Napoleonic battles. In terms of troops numbers this was smaller than usual,

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