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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

The Battle of Babruysk, 1708

Misc., The Great Northern War, Homemade Rules, 28mm This weekend I was down in Warwick, with the guys from the Military Gentleman forum. Officially the whole weekend was about playing games set in the Seven Years War, but the first of them I played was actually based in an earlier conflict – the Great Northern

The Purwa Raid, 1857

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm This small game was all about getting players used to the new Sharp Practice rules. It was also a chance to “blood” my new buildings, built for me by the talented Nick Buxey. All that, and having a rollicking good game. It was a simple rescue mission. The

Escape from Cawnpore, 1857

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm After a week filled with events – my Jutland book launch, the centennial commemorations, talks, drinks receptions, warship visits and services, this was a week of down time in Orkney. to celebrate, I had the guys round for a spot of wargaming, on the kitchen table in my holiday

Heskith’s Field, 1776

The American War of Independence, Black Powder, 28mm As I was away up in Orkney I didn’t have a game pre-planned, and this was the result of a hasty e-mail exchange a couple of hours before the club night began. I brought along a couple of boxes of my American War of Independence toys, and

Barapur, 1857

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm The recent release of the new version of Sharp Practice has caused quite a stir in the Edinburgh Club. The days of playstesting and ambiguity are now over, and we now have a shiny set of rules in our hands, ready to test out. So, that’s exactly what

The Battle of Munchhausen, 1757

The Seven Years War, Honours of War, 28mm   This week we staged a Seven Years War game, using the new Honours of War rules. The gamers are divided over these rules – some like them, others don’t. the nay-sayers claim – with some justification – that artillery is far too effective, and they’re slower

The Hudson Valley, 1760

The French & Indian Wars, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm This was one of our League of Gentleman Wargamer weekends, up in Kirriemuir, a small town north of Dundee. The group’s composition has changed a little over the last few years, but its core remains the same bunch of laid-back middle-aged wargamers who you enjoy hanging

The Wagon Train, 1760

Seven Years War, Die Kriegskunst, 28mm This old Charles S. Grant scenario always produces a good game, however we play it. The thing is, we haven’t run one for a couple of years, so Dougie and I decided to give it a go this week. The premise is, a wagon train full of plunder has

The Defence of Ciudad Espanola, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This week I’d a game arranged with Chris Henry, but he had to cry off, due to emergency child-minding duties. Fortunately Bill invited me to take part in this Napoleonic bash, based on a scenario in the Black Powder Peninsular War guide. It involved a French attack on a

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