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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Horse & Musket Periods

Abu Halfa, 1884

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This week we were off to the desert, fighting an fictional engagement in the Sudan. This scrap was set against the backdrop of the Nile Expedition of 1884-85. The premise was that in late 1884, before the advance could begin a telegraph line had to be built across the

Maharajpur, 1857

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm In a few weeks time I’ll be running a weekend-long Indian Mutiny. While the second day involves a big battle, with suitable rules, the Saturday will centre round skirmish-level games, with four or five different scenarios. We thought my Mutiny rules set of choice Sharp Practice offered

The Battle of Koshka, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Over the Hills, 28mm This week we returned to the Napoleonic Wars, in a scenario set during the Invasion of Russia in 1812. This was drawn from Charles Grant and Stuart Asquith’s Scenarios for All Ages.  Actually, as the scenario called for river gunboats and transport barges we simplified it slightly by

Fort Fleur, Guadeloupe, 1794

The Napoleonic Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm This game came about because I unearthed a small force of French Revolutionary figures I hadn’t used for years. Simultaneously The Two Fat Lardies published an e-book set of campaign rules for Sharp Practice. The result was the battle for Fort Fleur d’Epee, the first game of a mini-campaign

Las Dos Equis, 1811

The Napoleonic War, Over the Hills, 28mm This game was based on an excellent Stuart Asquith scenario,  called “Seizing the Initiative”. In it, “Red force” has to cross two rivers and establish a bridgehead beyond them, while “Blue force” tries to stop them. The trouble is, only a few troops begin the game on the

Crossing the Kalashnikov, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Bonnie Blue Flag (Homegrown rules), 28mm The latest League of Gentleman Wargamers’ extravaganza was played out in the snowy wastes of Russia, in a game set during the Retreat from Moscow. the whole thing was engineered with great aplomb by Charlie Grant, who is clearly destined for great things in the military planning

The Singhpur Affair, 1857

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, Sharp Practice, 28mm This week the Edinburgh club put on a participation game at Targe, a small wargame show held up in Kirriemuir, in north-east Scotland. Its about 90 minutes drive from Edinburgh, so at the unsociable hour of 7.15am Jack and Derek collected me and my figures, and whisked us

Shirani, Tochi Valley, 1897

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, The Men Who Would Be Kings, 28mm This week Bill Gilchrist and I tried out these new colonial rules from Osprey. In theory they’re a version of Lion Rampant, but after reading and playing them we found them a very different creature.  In The Men Who Would Be Kings there’s a

The Warburg, 1760

The Seven Years War, For King and Parliament, 28mm This week the game was a little unusual. Simon Miller visited the club, and laid on a game. Strangely, it wasn’t one using his To the Strongest Ancient rules (which I really like). Simon and my wargaming friend Andrew Brentnall has been developing an English Civil War

Crossing the Danube, 1809

The Napoleonic Wars, Over the Hills, 28mm This game – our third using Over the Hills – was based on the tried and tested “Bridgehead Breakout” scenario, found in Charles S. Grant’s Scenarios for Wargamers (1981).  Like most of Charles’ his “teasers” the scenario is harder than it looks. We’ve played this particular one a

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