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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The French & Indian War

French & Indian Wars – Playing the Period

Skulking around in the woods I’m not usually a great fan of skirmish games, but that’s the best level to treat this offshoot of the Seven Years War. Forget the few big battles and sieges such as Quebec and Louisbourg – the real wargaming potential of this conflict is found in the struggle in the

Attack on Abrial’s Battery, 1759

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm We opted for a French & Indian Wars game as there were just two of us. We’ve played ‘Scenario L – Defending Mendenhall’s Battery’ from the rules before. As memory serves it was an easy win for the defenders – the ones with the big guns.

The Defence of Cripple Creek Ford, 1759

The French & Indian Wars,  Rebels and Patriots, 28mm This game used a scenario straight from the rule book,  (Scenario G) which revolves around a river and a bridge. One side – the slightly larger force – wanted to cross it, and the other lot wanted to stop them. In this game, I played the

Skirmish at Bell’s Ford, 1758

The French & Indian War, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm With the club closed after New Year, we staged another Thursday night game in my farmhouse kitchen. It was another French & Indian War clash, with the two Seans playing against each other, and me helping Sean 1 with the French. I’d sort of pointed out

The Abenaki Village 1759

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm This was going to be a three-cornered game, and turned into a four player one. Newcomer Tom appeared, and was duly made the chief of the Abenaki village of Muddisquoi. the idea was, the French and the British were gearing up for a new season of

Raid on Whitehall, 1758

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm The wargame club was closed due to snow this week. Actually, there was no snow here in South Ronaldsay, but the west side of Orkney got blasted by it. So, my near neighbour Sean 2 came round for a small game at my place. He hadn’t

Bridging the Mohawk, 1756

The French & Indian War, Rebels  and Patriots, 28mm This week it was just Sean and I, so he opted for a French & Indian Wars game. I got to choose the scenario though, which involved the French building a bridge across the Mohawk River, so they could bring their big guns into action against

The Oswego Valley, 1756

The French & Indian War, Muskets & Tomahawks, 28mm At long last. I haven’t been to a “League of Gentlemen Wargamers” weekend since Covid first reared its head. This weekend though, ended that drought. As usual we gathered in Kirriemuir near Dundee – a long ferry trip and a short drive away for me –

Duracelle’s Battery, 1758

The French & Indian War, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm This week, as Sean requested it, we played a French & Indian War game. As there were just three of us we opted for a scenario where there was a disparity in numbers. In the rules, one scenario involves an attack on an artillery battery, with

Bridging the Oswego, 1756

The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm With Orkney under the fairly light Level 1 – Light of Covid restrictions, we were finally able to stage a game, albeit one played out according to the still fairly restrictive rules. So, we’re able to manage one game every two weeks now, which is a

Lockdown Painting 1

The French & Indian Wars – Update I know things have been a bit slow lately. I haven’t been to a wargame club since mid-March – over four months. No games at home either, thanks to lockdown. So, all I can do is paint, and work on my various projects.So, here’s a little run-through of

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