Early Periods
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm This fictitious scrap was dreamed up by or club’s Renaissance enthusiast Michael Schneider. the figures came from his collection, backed up by those of Donald Adamson, plus my own fledgling Venetian “battle”. The game was played on an 8 x 6 foot table, with a river running down
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm Michael Schneider is our club’s true Renaissance man. Rather, he’s the one with most of the lead, and keep staging games. Donald has quite a few figures too, and recently I’ve got in on the act by starting a small Venetian army. Anyway, Michael organised this game, which
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm These days, when we don’t know what else to play at the club, my German friend Michael Schneider suggests a Renaissance game. We’ve played a few of these now, and they always look good, despite Michael’s minimalist approach to scenery. He likes battlefields stripped of ancillary detail –
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm We called this game Pavia because it was loosely based on the Battle of Pavia, but really it should be Pavia Light, as only the general proportions of troops and dispositions were the same as in the real battle. This game had no walled city, no French siegeworks
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm I’ve always been rather fond of the Italian Wars – in fact it was the subject of one of my earliest Osprey books – Pavia 1525, published way back in 1996. It’s still one of my favourite Ospreys, largely because it redefined what happened during the battle –
The Dark Ages, Hail Caesar, 28mm I don’t often get over to Hugh Wilson’s house for his fortnightly Wednesday night games. I made it this time though, and was impressed by the table he’d layed out. It turns out the game was based on a Viking raid on Inchcolm Island in the Firth of Forth
The English Civil War, Pike & Shotte, 28mm A few weeks ago I agreed to play David Imrie this week, in an English Civil War game. At the moment he only has a small Royalist army – my figures are Parliamentarian – but we were joined by Iain McDonald and Jack Glanville, who brought along
The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This week we were off to Greece, to try out a new set of Ancient rules. To the Strongest are certainly different. For starters players don’t use tape measures or dice. Instead the tabletop is divided into unobtrusive squares, and cards are drawn to decide activation and to
The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm Yes, I know this isn’t really an Italian Wars game as the battle was fought over the mountains in Southern Germany, but the time period is right, so it’s getting lumped in with the goings on in Italy. I can’t say I’d heard of the Battle of Soltau until
The Age of Chivalry, Cross & Crescent, 28mm I have to say, I’m not really a fan of the Crusades. Too many religious nutcases – on both sides. Still, Alan Bruce, leading light of the Orkney wargames scene is keen on the period, and talked us into playing a couple of games set in the
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