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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Early Periods

The Battle of Canusium, 82 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm Last Thursday Edinburgh was gripped by snow, and while it all looked very pretty, it meant the club was closed. So, this week’s game was all the more enjoyable for the forced absence of the week before. A while ago I’d arranged an Ancient game with Dave Irmrie,

The Battle of Sanguinoso, 1503

The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm It was good to get back to shuffling figures around the table after a few weeks break. I was actually in at the club last week, but the only game on offer was a boardgame – Junta. While it was quite fun to play, it wasn’t “proper” wargaming,

The Battle of Bibrax, 57BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm I missed out on a game last week, thanks to a very anti-social cold. In my absence, the guys decided to play an Ancients game this week, to develop their knowledge of the rules. So, I was duly asked to join in – and oh, could I please

Peasant-Bashing at Burgau, 1525

The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm This week, German Michael unveiled his new “thing”. For weeks now we’d heard rumours that he’d been painting up peasants. This is where his new project first appeared on the tabletop. I’ve labelled this as an Italian Wars game, but in fact it belongs firmly on the far

To Jedburgh, with fyre and sworde, 1572

The Age of Mary Stuart, The Pikeman’s Lament, 28mm The club always holds its AGM on the last Thursday of November, which usually means the evening is wasted. Well, it’s wasted in terms of gaming, but not if you like the interminable reading out of budgets, minutes, health & safety regulations and other such stuff.

The Italian Job, 1506

The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm Our League of Gentlemen Wargamers games are always large-scale affairs, but this one put most of them in the shade. Effectively, we spent the weekend fighting all across Italy – or rather most of it – from the Alps in the north to Naples in the south. The

The Merano Ambush, 1524

The Italian Wars, Pike & Shotte, 28mm For weeks, German Michael (aka “Mad Micha”) has been wanting to run a Renaissance game. He loves them, especially if they involve lots of landsknechts. He normally prefers a battle fought on a flat and featureless plain, but this time I talked him into doing something a bit

The Battle of the Samara, 57BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm Due to popular request we returned to Gaul this week, for another grudge map between Caesar’s Romans and the locals. While our last one was set down in modern Switzerland, this one was in northern France, or rather Gaul, near the Gallic oppidum of Somarobriva (Amiens).We fought this

The Battle of Burgiens, 58BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This week – a day of non-stop rain – Campbell and I braved the elements and made it to the club, where we fought a small Ancients game, using my Gauls and Caesarean Romans. This was Campbell’s first foray into the Gallic Wars, and his first proper experience

Disaster on the Axona, 57BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm I’d been meaning to play an Ancient game for a while now, especially after I’d finished expanding my Marian Roman army. So, when Ken Pearce offered a battle using his Gauls I jumped at the chance.  So, battle was duly joined on a fairly open plain in the valley

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