Early Periods
The Age of Chivalry, Saga, 28mm This week Alan Bruce decided to lay on a Saga game, using his First Crusade figures. Two of us – Joe and Gyles – hadn’t tried Saga before, so I was curious what they’d make of the rules. Actually, the rules themselves are simple. What really makes Saga are
The Dark Ages, Dux Britanniarum, 28mm I hadn’t played Dux Britanniarum for a while, so we decided to give the Saxons and Britons another outing. I’m glad we did – it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played this year! Although the rules contain a very tempting campaign system we’ve
The Age of Chivalry, Saga, 28mm Having safely returned to Orkney after my travels, I arranged a game with Alan Bruce, who brought along his Crusading skirmish figures and his Saga rules. We played two short games, switching sides in between. In the first, my Saracens were defending a village, while Bohemond of Taranto’s crusaders
The Age of Chivalry, Within the Hollow Crown, 28mm During a rare summertime foray to the Edinburgh club I was invited to take part in a Medieval game. While Medieval aren’t really “my bag”, several of my pals were taking part in this multi-player affair, and the figures look terrific. Oh, as for this site
The Roman World, Hail Caesar, 28mm The day after my Napoleonic game my attic wargaming den in Orkney was pressed into service again. The excuse was a visit from my friend Chris Henry, who brought his Successor army to bolter my growing collection of Hellenistic troops. The scene was set for a fictitious battle set
The Dark Ages, Saga, 28mm Lately we seem to have been playing games in batches, with two games using the same rules a week apart. That’s so we can get a better handle on the rules. Thus we played another Saga game this week, a clash set in England between Norman and Norse invaders, a
The Dark Ages, Saga, 28mm Last week we played a Second World War skirmish using Bolt Action rules, but like an idiot I forgot my camera. Sorry – I was obviously having a “senior moment”. It was a nice little skirmish set in Normandy – a chance for Alan Bruce to try out the rules.
The Dark Ages, Dux Britanniarum, 28mm We played another Arthurian game this week, so that we could get a better handle on the rules. This time we really think we know what we’re doing! The scenario was another raid – my Saxon warband led by Athelwald has just raided a British village, and is making
The Dark Ages, Dux Britanniarum, 28mm This game was a try-out – giving my two main Orkney gamers a chance to play Dux Britanniarum. That’s the Age of Arthur set produced by the Two Fat Lardies. The came pits two rival warbands – one British, the other Saxon – against each other. it also sets
The Roman World, Hail Caesar, 28mm I’ve got to say, I’m not really an Ancients player. However, I found myself talked into taking part in this huge game, and it inspired me to finally paint that Roman army I’ve had languishing in the lead pile for several years. Actually, that’s not strictly true. I swapped
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