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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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The English Civil War

Upton, 1651

The English Civil War, The Kingdom is Ours, 28mm This week we were in Worcestershire, trying out a new set of rules. Rather our game was set there – as usual we were in the Navy Club in Edinburgh. The battle was fought between my Parliamentarian Eastern Association, posing as part of the New Model

The Battle of Scorton, 1648

The English Civil War, Pike & Shotte, 28mm A few weeks ago I agreed to play David Imrie this week, in an English Civil War game. At the moment he only has a small Royalist army – my figures are Parliamentarian –  but we were joined by Iain McDonald and Jack Glanville, who brought along

Attack on the Wagon Train, Selby, 1644

The English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm This little game was a replacement – we’d intended to play a Spanish Civil War battle, but two of our group couldn’t make it. So we scaled down, changed Civil Wars, and replaced the plains of Aragon with the fields of Yorkshire. The scenario was a rerun

The Battle of Nördlingen, 1634

The Thirty Years War, Homegrown Rules, 28mm The long faces in the photo above were because the wargamers were listening to a background to the game, when the table layout was being explained. In fact it was a rather fun day, and a change from a diet of pistachio nuts, leftovers and seasonal TV. Every

Newthorpe, 1643

The English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm We were in the wilds of Northamptonshire this week, for a small scale battle (or large scale skirmish) set during the Civil War. This is something of a problem, as I only have a Parliamentarian army. We solved this little problem by dividing it in two –

The Fight in Chorley Lane, 1648

The English Civil War, Pike & Shotte, 28mm This little clash set in the Second English Civil War (1648) was a test-bed for Pike & Shotte, the Renaissance version of Black Powder. Bill Gilchrist supplied the small force of Covenanters and Royalists, who were pitted against my New Model Army. The game was a small

The Siege of Hartlepool, 1644

The English Civil War, Very Civil Actions, 28mm An ankle injury meant that I missed this game, so my report is very brief, as the details were relayed second-hand. This was a large English Civil War affair, which centred around the fictitious Siege of Hartlepool, set some time in the spring or early summer of

Soggy Bottom Sconce, 1648

The English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm This fictitious little engagement was set in the Second Civil War (1648-49), and saw a small brigade of Parliamentarians defending itself against twice the number of Royalists and their Scots allies. As the defenders were troops of the New Model Army they enjoyed a qualitative advantage over

Fareham, 1643

The English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm We all enjoyed our Marston Moor refight last month, so this week we decided to stage another smaller English Civil War battle, to test out a few tweaks in the rules. This was a straightforward clash with four regiments of foot a side (each of 48 figures),

The Battle of Marston Moor, 1644

The English Civil War, Very Civile Actions, 28mm Sometimes – just sometimes – you take part in a game that really takes your breath away. This was one of them – a game to remember. With over 2,500 figures involved the scale of the battle helped, but it also had a more going for it

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