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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Early Periods

The High Melton Rout 1643

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28m After a couple of weeks fighting with tanks in Russia, we hankered for something less modern and closer to home for this week’s game. We settled on the English Civil War, and a small game set amid our fictional struggle for control of South Yorkshire between

The Battle of Amida, AD 363

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm Sean is one of the few archaeologists who hasn’t much time for the Romans. So, for this game, my second with these new figures, opted to lead the Sassanid Persians into battle against a small Late Roman force. The clash was set against the backdrop of the Emperor

The Battle of Nicephorium 363 AD

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm This was something of a new departure for me. For the last few months, among other things, I’ve been painting up two Ancient armies. It started as an idle thought, and turned into a project! So, this was my first outing for my new armies – the Late

The Clash at Everton, 1643

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28mm I’ve been remiss. Trips away and work  got in the way of wargaming, and of posting games. My apologies, and I’ll do better, I promise! This clash was a renewal of the fictitious fight between the Royalist Earl of Doncaster (Sean) and his Parliamentarian counterpart the

Setback on the Scaldis, 57 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm I missed out on a game last week as I had a veterans’ meeting, but this week we were back, and off to modern-day Belgium. This encounter game was set near Ghent, on the small Narkin River, a tributary of the Schelde, or the Scaldis in Roman times. A

The Fondue Pass, 1428

The Age of Chivalry, Lion Rampant, 28mm My apologies for not posting sooner,. It’s been ages. Gaming has suffered due to high winds closing roads and causeways, snow, and then car trouble. Still, things are slowly returning to normal. As I couldn’t get to the club, this little Hundred Years War game was played at

The Battle of Thornton Church, 1644

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28mm By popular demand we returned to the English Civil War this week. For once though, we didn’t game our continued feud between the fictitious earls of Rotherham and Doncaster. Instead, because Sean 2 wanted his pet Sealed Knot reenactment regiment on the table, we based them

The Battle of Tungrorum, 54 BC

The Roman World, To the Strongest, 28mm It’s been ages since we  played an Ancients game, so .. by popular acclaim, I give you this small but decisive scrap, set near Tongeren, in the north-east corner of modern-day Belgium. In this little fracas, Sean 1 played the Gallic ruler Picanmix, while Sean 2 was the

The Battle of Hatfield Chase 1644

The English Civil War, For King & Parliament, 28mm We returned to Yorkshire this week, and the continued struggle between the Earl of Doncaster and the Earl of Rotherham. This small set piece battle was set a few miles east of Doncaster.  I say set piece, ’cause both sides had small, matched forces. My alter

Clash at Beaugency, 1429

The Age of Chivalry, Lion Rampant, 28mm I hadn’t played these rules for a while. Since then I’ve expanded my armies – mainly the under-strength French one – and of course a new version of the rules came out. They’re the ones we used for this game – Lion Rampant 2. To be honest there

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