Carronade 2015
8th May 2015, 0 Comments
Misc., Wargame Shows, Falkirk
Here are a few pictures form the Falkirk show. My favourite game was the Vietnam one pictured above, but there were lots of nice games on display. this Sudan one from the Iron Brigade was a real work of art…
The First Battle of S. Albans by (I think) Steve Rimmer from the Kirriemuir Club was excellent too, and really looked the part.
This was some Spanish Civil War bash, but I don’t know who ran the game.
Our own Edinburgh club laid on this Colonial Africa game…
Above all though, this show is a chance to buy lead, shoot the breeze with wargaming friends, and generally soak up the atmosphere.Then there was this little chap – a General Konstam, who was taking part in a WW1 game laid on by the Leuchars club.