Carronade, 2011
7th May 2011, Comments Off
Misc., Wargame Shows, Falkirk
On Saturday 7th May the Falkirk Wargame Club staged Carronade, their annual one-day show. Unlike wargame shows in the States, British ones tend to be one-day affairs, but otherwise they follow a similar format, with traders, demonstration and participation games, and the chance to talk wargaming with like-minded geeks. The traders this year included Mutineer Miniatures (where I spent a fortune on tufts), Caliver Books, Dave Thomas (who sells Foundry, Crusader and Perry figures), and Old Glory UK.Of the many games laid on by clubs or groups of friends, my favourite was probably Gallipoli 1915, a naval game centred around the attempt to force the narrow straits. It looked like a giant relief map – a great piece of topography (and foam-cutting).
Another cracking game was a “1938” alternative history one, featuring a Fascist attack on Vickers-Armstrong’s factory in Newcastle, which had some great custom-made terrain. I also enjoyed looking at the Iron Brigade’s urban Indian Mutiny game, a spirited game set around the escape from a wartime POW camp, the League of Augsburg’s lead-laden refight of Borodino, and Kirriemuir’s colourful Viking raid.
This last one seemed a great hit with the kids visiting the show. My own club laid on a refight of Guilford Courthouse, using Black Powder, as well as an Italian Wars participation game using Impetus rules.