Border Outpost 17, 1937
8th July 2010, Comments Off
A Very British Civil War, Triumph & Tragedy, 28mm
Note by Angus: this report was written by Colin Jack, who’s been running an inventive, colourful and utterly silly “Very British Civil War” campaign, an alternate history period which lets people field the wierdest stuff. I missed the game as I was over in the States, at Historicon, which was a shame as this looked fun. In fact, it was so entertaining that we couldn’t resist reporting it here. Here’s what Colin has to say;A few weeks ago a Communist force lead by the Red Bretheren from Grimsby attacked a Royalist supply base in the north of England but were driven off by the garrison, the local police and a Royal Navy gun-truck. The defeated reds fled northwards followed by a BUF cavalry unit. The cavalry pursued them as far as the Scottish border where the trail went cold. The cavalry decided to wait and watch. Meanwhile at Scottish Border Outpost No 17 near Birgham the ten man garrison maintain their daily vigil observing the south bank of the River Tweed for any sign of enemy activity. At around 7am, with daylight beginning to burn off the early morning mist, the duty sentry hears noises, but from the rear – could it be the relief garrison arriving early for once? It is in fact the Red Bretheren who have crossed the border and are now poised to attack the outpost from the rear, an eventuality it is not designed for.
The reds have unfortunately failed to cut the telephone wires so a request for assistance from the Quick Reaction Force has already been transmitted. Also, the relief garrison blunders into the rear of the red transport vehicles and distracts them from their purpose. Caught in the open, the relief militia are cut down by the vehicle machine gun and routed but already the red attack has fallen behind programme. When the QRF arrive they assault the woods which the Red Bretheren are holding having dismounted from their truck.
The Scots quickly gain the upper hand in a close assault forcing the Bretheren to surrender. On the other flank the red militia are routed by the garrison and the second vehicle immobilised. A further red infantry unit arrives but it is too little too late and the communist attempt has again met with failure. Across the river, the BUF cavalry have no opportunity to join the action but are able to withdraw in the knowledge that the communist threat has been removed for the present.