Abbeville, 1940
12th April 2006, Comments Off
Second World War, Battlegroup Panzergrenadier, 20mm
Then came another Second World War game. We’ve been playing an awful lot of WW2 lately, and I apologise to those of you who want to see piccies of other periods! The scenario was based on an attack launched by the 51st Highland Division against the German bridgehead over the Somme near Abbeville on 4th May 1940.
The historical attack was an utter and costly failure, but this time the Scots did slightly better. German stukas saw off the supporting French heavy tanks, but the smaller French AFVs supported by a carrier platoon managed to gain a toehold on the German-held ridge by the end of the game – thereby securing a dodgy victory.
If we play the same scenario again we’ll tweak it slightly to favour the Germans – making their defence more flexible, with more guaranteed support from air and artillery.
Still, it was a really enjoyable game – and the victory was all the sweeter because the French player from the previous week (the swine who hid my figures – pictured above) played and lost with the Germans, after getting too drunk to cope. In the end Jim Loutitt (below) had to finish the game for him! Revenge is a superb dish, whatever its temperature!