Periods & Rules
Periods Played
- Early Periods (130)
- The Roman World (27)
- The Age of Chivalry (14)
- The Dark Ages (16)
- The Italian Wars (17)
- The English Civil War (46)
- Mary Queen of Scots' Wars (8)
- The Eastern Renaissance (2)
- Horse & Musket Periods (310)
- Modern Periods (289)
- Bismarck's Wars (33)
- The Great War (29)
- The Back of Beyond (56)
- The Spanish Civil War (21)
- The Second World War (112)
- A Very British Civil War (14)
- Modern Wars (16)
- The American Civil War (8)
- Naval Warfare (103)
- Renaissance Galleys (8)
- The Age of Fighting Sail (21)
- Ironclads (18)
- Pre-Dreadnought (11)
- The Great War at Sea (11)
- WWII Coastal Forces (12)
- WWII Naval (17)
- The Cod War (5)
- Playing the Period (22)
- Misc (62)
- Wargames Shows (29)
- Uncategorised (3)
Rules Used
- 1870 (3)
- A Good Day to Die (2)
- Attack with Torpedoes (5)
- Bag the Hun (3)
- Battlegroup Fall of the Reich (1)
- Battlegroup Panzergrenadier (36)
- Beneath the Lilly Banners (3)
- Bill’s Ironclad Rules (5)
- Black Powder (85)
- Blitzkrieg Commander (1)
- Blood and Iron (2)
- Bloody Big Battles (1)
- Blucher (1)
- Bolt Action (13)
- Bonnie Blue Flag (5)
- British Grenadier (7)
- Carnage & Glory (1)
- Chain of Command (54)
- Cod War! (2)
- Cold War Commander 2 (3)
- Contemptible Little Armies (31)
- Cross & Crescent (2)
- Crusader Ancient Rules (1)
- Dahlgren & Columbiad (3)
- Dawn of Iron (3)
- Death in the Dark Continent (1)
- Die Kriegskunst (34)
- Disposable Heroes (11)
- Dragon Rampant (1)
- Dux Britanniarum (8)
- Far Distant Ships (3)
- Field of Battle (10)
- Fighting Sail (1)
- Fire & Fury (16)
- Flames of War (1)
- Fleet Action Imminent (8)
- For King & Parliament (17)
- Force on Force (5)
- Galleys Guns & Glory! (7)
- General d'Armee (3)
- General de Brigade (19)
- General Quarters (16)
- Gents prefer Zombies (1)
- Gleaming Katanas (2)
- Guns at Gettysburg (1)
- Hail Caesar (5)
- Homegrown (14)
- Honour & Fortitude (4)
- Honours of War (20)
- Impetus (1)
- In Her Majesty's Name (1)
- In the Heart of Africa (11)
- Infamy Infamy! (2)
- Infamy! Infamy! (1)
- Iron Cross (4)
- Jutland (1)
- Kiss Me Hardy (8)
- Lasalle (1)
- Legends of the High Seas (1)
- Legends of the Old West (5)
- Lion Rampant (8)
- Loose Files & Scramble (2)
- Low Level Hell (2)
- Maurice (2)
- Muskets & Tomahawks (19)
- Napoleon (2)
- Narrow Seas (5)
- On to Richmond (1)
- Over the Hills (13)
- Patriots (1)
- Perfidious Albion (10)
- Peter Gilder Colonial Rules (1)
- Pike & Shotte (19)
- Post Captain (8)
- Post of Honour (6)
- Rapid Fire Reloaded (2)
- Rapid Fire! (4)
- Rebels and Patriots (13)
- Red Actions (1)
- Regimental Fire & Fury (2)
- Republic to Empire (6)
- Rules of Engagement (3)
- Saga (8)
- Sail & Steam Navies (1)
- Sepoy (1)
- Setting the East Ablaze (27)
- Seven Days to the River Rhine (2)
- Seven Years (5)
- Shadow of the Eagles (10)
- Sharp Practice (10)
- Smoke on the Water (3)
- Soldiers of God (1)
- Songs of Ninja & Katana (1)
- The Great War (3)
- The Kingdom is Ours (1)
- The Men Who Would Be Kings (20)
- The Pikeman's Lament (12)
- The Quick and the Dead (1)
- The War Game (2)
- There’s Something Wrong with our Bloody Fish Today! (2)
- Through the Mud and the Blood (1)
- To the Last Man (1)
- To the Strongest (19)
- Triumph & Tragedy (8)
- Very Civile Actions (21)
- Vietnam Skirmish Rules (2)
- Waiting for Bonaparte (2)
- Warfare in the Age of Napoleon (3)
- Warfare in the Age of Reason (1)
- What a Tanker! (5)
- Where the Poppies Grow (1)
- Wings of War (1)
- Within the Hollow Crown (1)