The French & Indian Wars, Rebels and Patriots, 28mm We opted for a French & Indian Wars game as there were just two of us. We’ve played ‘Scenario L – Defending Mendenhall’s Battery’ from the rules before. As memory serves it was an easy win for the defenders – the ones with the big guns.
The Second World War, Rapid Fire Reloaded, 10mm We were off to Sicily this week, trying out a scenario devised by Kevin Calder in the latest Wargamers’ Annual. It wasn’t the usual fare – deployment was pretty random, to reflect scattered units, and instead of morale worked out at battalion level, as usual, we did
World War II Naval, General Quarters 3, 1/2400 scale Nick from the club has just bought loads of 1/6000 scale WWII ship models. He wanted to try out General Quarters v3, as he’d last used the set back when it was v.1. So, I l staged this by way of an introduction to the rules.