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The Orkney Wargames Club meets

in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Archives for February 2025

The Fight for Masterbianco 1943

The Second World War, Rapid Fire Reloaded, 10mm We were off to Sicily this week, trying out a scenario devised by Kevin Calder in the latest Wargamers’ Annual. It wasn’t the usual fare – deployment was pretty random, to reflect scattered units, and instead of morale worked out at battalion level, as usual, we did

The Second Battle of Sirte, 1942

World War II Naval, General Quarters 3, 1/2400 scale Nick from the club has just bought loads of 1/6000 scale WWII ship models. He wanted to try out General Quarters v3, as he’d last used the set back when it was v.1. So, I l staged this by way of an introduction to the rules.