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Archives for June 2024

Dogfight over Paju, 1951

Misc. (Air War over Korea) Bag the Hun, 1/300 scale We took to the skies again this week – well, Nick and I did, in another Korean War dogfight. Nick took the Allied side, with four USAF F-80 Shooting Stars, two USAF F-51 Mustangs and three Fleet Air Arm Sea Furies. I had three Mig-15s,

The Battle of Spichern, 1870

Bismarck’s Wars, Fire & Fury, 10mm With Sean away digging holes in the rain-sodden countryside (he’s an sore-kneed archaeologist), Nick and I delved into the Franco-Prussian War, and this game based loosely on the Battle of Spichern, one of those frontier battles in August 1870. Nick’s two divisions of French were charged with holding the