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in Kirkwall on Thursday evenings.


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Archives for February 2020

Witkerk Drift, 1899

Queen Victoria’s Little Wars, The Men Who Would be Kings, 28mm This was an attack and defence game, with the Boers dug in around the hamlet of Witkerk (“White Church”) in the Transvaal. The British appeared out of the veldt to the north. The hamlet lay just  north of a ford over the Mizinyathe River.

The Ford at El Rio Rojo, 1937

The Spanish Civil War, Chain of Command, 28mm We decided to return to sun-kissed Spain this week, with an attack and defence game set in the Spanish Civil War. Just for a laugh we had the Anarchist militia doing the attacking, and the Nationalist regulars holding the line. Actually, they had to hold a ford

The Ambush at Suetovo, 1812

The Napoleonic Wars, Black Powder, 28mm This week we went for an all-cavalry game. The scenario was lifted from Charles S Grant and Stuart Asquith’s Scenarios for all Ages (1996), which has long been a source of fun gaming ideas. This one was called “Tables Turned”. In it, a powerful cavalry force chasing a weaker